
Below we will explain how NO FIRM works, step by step. You will see how you get a voice within the brand and how fashion as you know it is about to change.

Basics / Advantages

-Use Wants to let designers know what you’d like to see.

- Purchase unique designs and bring them to life.

- Support independent designers.

- Communicate directly with designers and other consumers, and ask questions.

- Connect on social media and share purchases with your followers.

- Recommend your favourite designs to your friends and fans.

- Become part of a community that believes in the value and dignity of people’s work, designers and producers alike.

- Pay realistic and transparent prices that are based on production costs, not on speculation

Create Wants

If there is a garment or accessory that you need or want to be created, you have a voice at NO FIRM: create a Want! Wants are groups that communicate needs and desires to designers. You can start one from scratch or join one that already exists, then upload your inspirations to motivate the designers. The more people join a Want, the more likely a designer is to create something that they can buy!

Search for unique designs

At NO FIRM you can find countless unique and original designs created by independent designers. Use the filters to personalise your search

Connecting on social media

Another interesting way to discover new designs is by connecting your social media accounts. That way, you will be able to follow your friends’ activity and see what designs they are buying and recommending in your feed. When you find a design that you love, you can also share it with your followers, and if you create a Want they will be able to join it.

Ask the Designer

If you have any questions before purchasing a design, you can ask the designer via direct private message by clicking the Ask the Creator button. You can also look through posts left by other buyers in the Comments & Questions section. The designers understand the importance of good customer service so they will most likely answer you as soon as they can.

Ordering designs

At NO FIRM we have a golden rule when it comes to producing designs: “minimum or nothing.” This means that a design must sell a minimum number of units before it is put into production and brought to life. Each product page shows the status of the design, how many units are left to reach the minimum, how much time remains on the deadline, and how many total units will be made in this edition. This rule ensures that consumers are the ones deciding what they want, rather than us dictating it to them. 

What’s more, product prices go down as more units are sold. So share your favourite product on social media, WhatsApp, e-mail or with your friends.

Support network

Remember what it means to be a NO FIRM customer. In addition to supporting the work of independent designers, you are part of a much more extensive network of manufacturers, suppliers and workers founded in a concept of healthy and sustainable trade. Your needs and desires as a customer are also given a space to be heard in this community. Which designs are produced is not determined by demand alone, as you can use Wants to let designers know what you’re looking for. As a buyer you have the opportunity to actively participate in fashion: with a voice, with initiative, with passion! Welcome to NO FIRM.

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